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Conference-Approved A.A. Literature

Literature published by A.A. World Services, Inc. is a resource for the recovering alcoholic and for anyone who wants to find out about Alcoholics Anonymous, its history and how it works. General Service Conference-approved literature has undergone an extensive review process and reflects the group conscience of the Fellowship of A.A.

(Click on a pamphlet or book for a link to its contents.)



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Other A.A. Literature

Although "Conference Approved" literature goes through an extenisve review process, this does not mean the Conference disapproves of any other publications. Historically group sponsored literature has been a vital part of Alcoholics Anonymous. It was not uncommon for early AA groups to publish guides or pamphlets. Dr. Bob knew that the directions in the Big Book could be hard to follow for a newcomer so he had a group pamphlet written (The Akron Manual).

(Click on a document to view/download its contents.)


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These pages are neither endorsed nor approved by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.